CISI and NextGen Planners announce new scholarship programme

Sep 26, 2022

In a move that extends their partnership and takes action on attracting new talent to the financial planning profession, the CISI and NextGen Planners have today announced a new scholarship programme to support new talent joining the financial planning profession. The initial pilot will see the creation of 20 scholarships for the CISI Investment Advice Diploma to include the CISI Financial Planning and Advice unit, which will include exam entry and full training support from the NextGen Planners Training ContractTM, taking candidates to the CISI Level 4 Diploma qualification. 

Assistant Director  Financial Planning and Education Development at CISI, Sally Plant said: “We need to keep working to attract new talent from the next generation.  We continue to innovate our offer and create new ways to engage with this young community, enabling students to see it, feel it and become the future of financial planning.  These scholarships provide a pathway for those interested in joining the community and in addition to the CISI Educational Trust Awards, provide a means for those enthused students to grab an opportunity with both hands.”  

Applications for the scholarship programme will open on 5th October 2022 at the CHANGE Festival, an event that will see the CISI and NextGen Planners welcome over 150 graduates and 200 planners for a day bursting with short, sharp technical sessions combined with streams exploring topics of the future. Following the CHANGE Festival, students, second careerists and people seeking work will be able to apply online until the end of November with the scholarship programme starting in January 2023. 

Adam Owen, Head of Content at NextGen Planners said:"With a value in excess of £6,000 per scholarship, this new progamme will go a long way to removing one of the biggest barriers to entry to our profession. As with everything we do at NextGen Planners, we want this to be a catalyst for people who may never have thought about a career in financial planning so that we can see a broader cross section of talent joining the profession.” 

Those wanting to register their interest ahead of the application process opening should email