CISI launches new app so 43,000 members in 100 countries can update mandatory CPD knowledge on the go ​

Sep 27, 2021


The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) has launched an app for its global 43,000 membership which aims to take their personal learning programmes to a new level.

270921Appimagedownload_appThe not-for-profit CISI is the professional membership body for those working in capital markets, wealth management and financial planning. With the introduction of the new app, CISI members based in over 100 countries will be able to maintain their mandatory continuing professional development (CPD) requirements using their mobile phones, anytime, anywhere.

Extensive research was conducted with over 600 CISI members to canvass their opinion about what they would like to see in the app. The clear focus was for a one stop shop app which would provide members with learning opportunities alongside simplified membership administration.

The app, which is available for Apple IOS or Android devices, will allow CISI members to:

  • View their personalised homepage on MyCISI and their CPD entries
  • Complete CPD learning, via over 200 e-learning modules  or catch up on over 500 CISI videos on the CISI TV channel
  • Read 1,300 articles in the CISI member magazine The Review
  • Log CPD to their records automatically
  • Find and book an upcoming event
  • Update personal details
  • Check out other CISI member benefits

Simon Culhane, Chartered FCSI, CISI Chief Executive said: “We are really excited to launch our new app, which will allow our members globally to refresh their learning on the go.

“Completing CPD is a display of commitment to individuals’ roles and enhancing trust and confidence in the wider profession, Our app will also help CISI members to maintain their competitive edge in our fast-moving financial services sector, while at the same time helping to make their lives a bit easier.”

The app can be downloaded now here:

Apple iOS:


Further information on the MyCISI app can be found here: