CISI Educational Trust 2020 awards totalling £15,000 announced

Mar 11, 2020


The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is delighted to announce the 14 student winners of its 2020 Educational Trust Awards.

The CISI Educational Trust Awards annually celebrate achievement amongst students studying CISI accredited courses around the UK, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. The winners received a combined total of £15,000.

Each of the winners, 7 undergraduates and 7 postgraduate students, were nominated by their university based on excellence in an item of work or examination.  

In addition to their nomination, each winner was invited to submit an essay of 500 words for the opportunity to attend an interview with the Educational Trust and a chance to achieve a further financial award based on interview performance, a general knowledge test and knowledge of the CISI. The essay title for 2020 was: ‘‘To what extent do you agree that, in financial services, choosing to adopt a broader social purpose is only available to more profitable firms?’’

Following an intensive interview process, we are delighted to congratulate Gianluca Labagnara from University of Sussex as the top performing postgraduate who received an additional £3,000 and Jack Gillman top performing undergraduate from Bangor University, who received an additional award of £1,500.

On receipt of his award Gianluca Labagnara (left in photo with Andrew Porter, Chartered FCSI of the Educational Trust) from University of Sussex said: “I am110320EdTrust2020GianlucaLabagnara honoured to have been awarded the CISI Educational Trust Award 2020 for postgraduate study. As well as receiving the award, the process offered a great opportunity to network with a range of highly experienced financial professionals who offered invaluable advice on how to develop individually as well as professionally in a career. The interview process offered an engaging discussion regarding personal career ambitions, challenges facing financial services in the current climate and of how a broader social purpose can be achieved. The entire CISI experience has been enriching and fulfilling, and I look forward to using the award as a platform to boost my career within financial services."

Jack Gillman  (see photo right, Jack left with Frank Moxon, Chartered FCSI of the Educational Trust) studying at Bangor University said: "It is an honour to receive the CISI110329EdTrust2020JackGilmanFrankMoxon Educational Trust Award. The journey has been one of the highlights of my university experience thus far, with the interview being especially enjoyable. The interviewers appreciated wide-reading and genuine interest beyond financial services - something that I admired greatly - with our conversations acting as a catalyst for further study. It will be my pleasure to act as an ambassador for CISI, with their membership and awards to prove invaluable as I enter the world of socially responsible marketing for financial services. Integrity is key and the CISI is both a testament to and facilitator of this."

Frank Moxon, Chartered FCSI(Hon), Chairman CISI Educational Trust and a corporate financier for over 30 years, said: “As usual, the standard of entries at both undergraduate and postgraduate level was high. The judges were looking for candidates who could, at interview, show a deeper understanding of the subject matter, demonstrate that they had read a range of relevant sources and speak with passion and authority in presenting their views.  Candidates were also tested on their general knowledge of financial and current affairs, something they will need to be on top of as they prepare to enter the financial services industry. We were delighted to find two very worthy winners.”

The following students, as CISI Educational Trust Award winners, each receive a financial award to support ambitions for a financial services career. Postgraduate winners receive £1,000 each and undergraduates £500 each:




Award Cheque Amount

Aston University Birmingham

Yash Shanghavi


Bangor University

Jack Gillman


Birmingham City University

Chi Mai Pham


De Montfort University

Niklas Olsson


Liverpool John Moores University

Nicholas Jackson


Northumbria University

Samuel Tanner


University of East London

Ruby Button


University of Exeter

George Ledingham


University of Portsmouth

Sayed Ghulam Saif Ur Rehman


University of Sussex

Derek Ding


University of Sussex

Gianluca Labagnara


University of Ulster

Francis Mooney


University of York

Sam Morey


ICMA Centre

Lin Cui
