CISI announces MiFID II seminar partnership with Thomson Reuters

Sep 20, 2017


With the deadline for MiFID II implementation fast approaching (3 January 2018), the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) has noticed an increase in demand from its member firms for additional education on this specialist area, outside of its core CPD programme

Given the array of strategic and operational challenges involved in implementing MiFID II, the CISI is delighted to announce its partnership with Thomson Reuters to host three nationwide seminars addressing the key features of MiFID II and their impact on wealth and investment managers and financial planners.

Titled ‘MiFID II: Preparing for January 2018 and Beyond’, the seminars will specifically cover the following subject areas:

  • Regulatory expectations under MiFID II
  • Adapting to changes in the investment research process
  • Product governance and client suitability
  • Meeting transparency and disclosure obligations
  • Project managing MiFID II implementation

CISI members will be able to attend the seminars in London (3rd October), Edinburgh (12th October) and Manchester (16th November). Venues and speaker line-ups will be announced very shortly

Alex Xavier, CISI Assistant Director, Member Services said: “Thomson Reuters has excellent insight to offer on MiFID II, so we are delighted to partner with them to deliver this nationwide seminar programme. With additional perspectives offered by lawyers, financial practitioners and the regulator, we believe these seminars will provide much needed knowledge at a crucial time for our members”

John Mason, Global Head of Regulatory and Market Structure, Thomson Reuters, added: “With MiFID II set to bring fundamental operating changes across the entire financial services, it is imperative that our clients understand the key issues and consequences as implementation approaches.  Through these seminars, we are able to bring our unique insights and services to help the market navigate MiFID II challenges and discover where new business opportunities may lie.”