CISI Educational Trust awards totalling £17,500 announced

Mar 02, 2017

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is delighted to announce the 13 student winners of its 2017 Educational Trust Awards, the combined total of which is £17,500.

The CISI Educational Trust Awards annually celebrate achievement amongst students studying CISI accredited courses around the UK, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Students were nominated by their university based on excell020317EdTrustAwardsence in an item of work or examination.  

In addition to their nomination, each winner was invited to submit an essay of 400 words for the opportunity to attend an interview with the Educational Trust and chance to achieve a further financial award based on interview performance, general knowledge test, and knowledge of the CISI. The essay title for 2017 was: "From the customer’s perspective what are the advantages and disadvantages between using a Robo-advisor and a human-advisor?"

Following an intensive interview process, we are delighted to congratulate Adedeji Ajadi of University of Exeter, and Nihit Joshi of Queen Mary University London, the top performing postgraduates who received an additional £2,000 and Daniel Morgans of Aston University, top performing undergraduate, who received an additional award of £1,500.

Alexander Johnston of Coventry University received £1,000 in recognition of his high interview standard.

The three top performing students are invited to attend the CISI Annual Awards Ceremony on 15th March 2017 at Mansion House to receive an Award. They will also be offered a one week work experience placement in London during the summer with a CISI member firm.

On receipt of his award Adedeji Ajadi of University of Exeter said: "The interview was stimulating and engaging. Rubbing minds with the Trustees who are vastly experienced industry experts was great.  They challenged us to develop to our full potential in the finance and investment industry.

“The CISI Educational Trust award, given by a world class institute like CISI, will clearly distinguish me among my colleagues.  It is a permanent record of outstanding achievement. The experience will always boost my confidence and challenge me to be the best that I can be.''

Nihit Raj Joshi studying at Queen Mary University London said: “I’m delighted to be one of the winners of this year’s CISI Educational Trust Awards.  This recognition has given me a fantastic boost and will undoubtedly benefit my future career.”

And Daniel Morgans of Aston University said:  "The CISI Educational Trust Awards do not only represent high standards of work alongside studies, they represent the hard work, dedication and aspiration to excel in the field of financial services. Consequently, promoting key levels of professional and academic competence that is desired in order to surpass expectations of young professionals entering the industry today."

Clare Gore Langton, Chartered FCSI(Hon), Chairman CISI Educational Trust, an investment director with over 25 years of experience of working with private client investment portfolios said: “This year's essay topic was Robo-advice and the trustees enjoyed a thoroughly stimulating morning of discussion with a very strong field of candidates . The work submitted by both under graduates and post graduates was of a high standard which  was very encouraging.

“In most cases progress was also made in the general knowledge area which was good to see in the light of last year’s observations.  The CISI is now 25 years old and we were delighted that this year's awards went to such worthy winners who will be excellent ambassadors for the years to come.

”The following students, as CISI Educational Trust Award winners, each receive a financial award to support ambitions for a financial services career. Postgraduate winners receive £1,000 each and undergraduates £500 each.




Aston University


Daniel James Morgans

University of Birmingham


Sanjay Ram

Bournemouth University


Isabel Pook

Coventry University


Alexander Johnston

University of Exeter


Adedeji Ajadi

Glasgow Caledonian University


Uzair Karim Khan

Liverpool John Moores University


Olivia Stanton

University College London


Francis David M Roque

University of Portsmouth


Samuel Cochrane

Queen Mary University of London


Nihit Raj Joshi

University of Sussex


Rob Kraushar


Annabel Eastick

University of Westminster


Maria Alejandra Zambrano Carvajal