CISI comments on Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Party Conference speech ​

Oct 06, 2016


The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) would like to make the following statement, in response to Prime Minister Theresa May’s speech at the Conservative Party Conference yesterday when she stated: “If you are an accountant, financial adviser or middleman who helps people dodge tax, we are coming after you”:

CISI believes that professionals within the securities and investment industry owe important duties to their clients, the market, the industry and society at large.

“Clients who are offered financial advice by a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) can be secure in the knowledge that our members are committed to the highest standards of ethical behaviour and practice and that our members are required to take an Integrity test as part of their membership.

“We encourage corporate supporters to adopt our Code of Conduct, which must be adhered to by all CISI members.”