Simon on the Eddie Mair show on LBC Radio, 6 August, 4pm Results from our recent survey of CISI members on the likelihood of returning to the office after the pandemic were featured in
The Times on 30 July, following which Simon was invited on the show to comment. Listen to the interview below.
We asked our members:

Of the 2,000 respondents, the majority foresee an ongoing change in office working hours after the pandemic. Only a quarter see themselves returning to their offices for the same number of working days as before the Covid-19 pandemic.
In addition, from 24 March to 6 July, we asked the wider financial services sector: 
Over 66% thought it would take a year or more for their business and the economy to recover from Covid-19 disruption, with 11% indicating it could take from nine to 12 months.

Simon said: “These are truly challenging times for financial services business owners, firms and individuals working in our profession globally. Many firms have had an epiphany, including ourselves, as to the ease and benefits of working from home. Businesses are now re-evaluating what is the purpose of an office, with many focusing on using them primarily for creativity, collaboration and communication rather than a de facto place for work.”